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AWC Executive Board Meeting -
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.
AWC Executive Board Meeting
Date: Monday, April 23, 2007

Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM EDT (GMT-04:00)

Meet at Moe's in Loehmann's Plaza on the corner of Briarcliff
and N. Druid Hills Rd. All members are welcome. See AWC
website for directions (

Atlanta Whitewater Club Meeting -
We would like to remind you of this upcoming event.
AWC Meeting
Date: Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Time: 7:00PM - 9:00PM EDT (GMT-04:00)

Members and non-members alike are encouraged to join us
at the Garden Hills Community Center in Buckhead, GA  Map

Social (Half-) Hour: 7pm.
Club business:        7:30 – 8pm
Entertainment:         8pm –  until

BYOB (Bring your own beverage.)

For those of you on the list who aren't members,
this is a great opportunity to come see what
Atlanta Whitewater is all about.

Cartecay RiverCleanup on Earth Day Apr 21 -  Diane and I have committed the whitewater club to three projects for
the Cartecay cleanup day. We may do more depending on how many
volunteers we get.

We need volunteers to head up or assist in the following projects:

Project #1:
Gauging Station Deck Removal
Consist of removing deck in river near USGS gauging station.
Team Lead: Mack Anthony

Project #2:
Middle Cartecay Cleanup
Consist of removing trash from river and bank between Lower Cartecay
Rd. and Mulkey Rd. (Blackberry)
Team Lead: Open

Project #3:
Lower Cartecay Cleanup
Consist of removing trash from river and bank between Mulkey Rd.
(Blackberry) to DNR or AWC members Robert and Louise's Cabin.
Team Lead: Open

Optional Projects:

Project #4:
Replace ruler type gauge at USGS gauging station.
Consist of contacting USGS and finding out what can be done to
replace or repair gauge or attaching one of our own making. This
project could be extended into working with the USGS to get the
telemetry gauge repaired and online.
Team Lead: Open

Project #5:
Upper Cartecay Strainer Removal
Consist of cutting an opening in the strainer that blocks the river
between GA52 and Lower Cartecay Rd.
Team Lead: Mark McCullough (Operator of new put-in on river left)

Project #6:
DNR Takeout Cleanup
Consist of picking up trash at the DNR takeout.
Team Lead: Open

Project #7:
DNR Hiking and Mountain Bike Trails Cleanup
Consist of cleaning up trails in the DNR area off Mulkey Rd.
Team Lead: Non-AWC

Contact Mark Neisler at

Atlanta Whitewater Club
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